Meditation is hanging out with your soul.

Welcome to my comprehensive list of meditations that I’ve been practising since starting my beautiful Spiritual Journey.

In this blog, I will share with you videos, songs and guided meditations that I’ve been using, which all led me to the spiritual awakening that I am still yet to discover more and more about by practising meditation day by day.

5 Minutes Meditation

Baby steps.

First of all, as we all do, I turned to YouTube for the first time, typing ‘5 minutes meditation’. That was after I’ve kept hearing and hearing about meditation and how beneficial it is for you, etc etc. At that point, I wasn’t awake, I wasn’t aware of the infinite potential and light that I have in me, so I started meditating just to be in line with the trend of ‘meditation’.

But, it was all with a purpose. To slowly introduce me to this path. Nervous, inpatient and not committed to the practice, I’ve tried to meditate slowly, letting myself be guided by various voices of strangers, spiritual practitioners and psychologists.

I am sure that by typing the same thing on your own, a specific video will draw your attention as well to start your journey, but I will give you 3 videos that I’ve started meditating with from YouTube:

Moving on, the period of time since when I was trying to meditate 5 minutes to the moment when I’ve decided to commit to meditating frequently is a complete BLUR. To be honest, we are talking about a gap of at least 2-3 years, time in which A LOT has happened in my life.

So, let’s jump back to this present moment.

My first step in practising meditation since I’ve been spiritually awake was Chakra Meditation (I will soon write a whole blog on Chakras for you to understand completely).

After reading books and listening to various podcasts and talks on Chakras, something led me to explore this kind of meditation, and I could not be more grateful that this happened.

Why you may ask?

Because my energetic body was so blocked and congested, so full and heavy of pain, frustrations and insecurities, that I was physically ill for my entire life without even knowing why.

But with the help of Chakra Meditation, I’ve managed to unblock each chakra in particular and let is shine its true and vivid colours, a journey that implied a lot of pain, emotional waves, self-reflection and deep digging into my past pains and traumas.

Something draw me towards Deepak Chopra, and for those of you who are unaware of who he is, he is an Indian-American author and alternative medicine advocate, one of the best that our society has seen so far.

Following his Meditation Playlist on Spotify – Chakra Balancing: Body, Mind and Soul I’ve managed to face my inner pains and daily struggles, duel them and set free each centre of energy in my body.

By doing so, my mental state improved, my health got better, especially my digestion, sleeping patterns, anger management, patience, tolerance and self-understanding, not to mention my spiritual state…which at that point, was ready to awaken. Stronger than ever. Free. Cleansed.

Follow the Album on Spotify – Chakra Balancing: Body, Mind and Soul by Deepak Chopra and:

  • Select the song ‘Prelude’ and add the first Chakra Meditation song in the Queue, ‘Muladhara’ followed by ‘Purification’. This will allow you to focus on cleansing and unblocking your first Chakra (preparing it – cleansing it – allowing its bright light to shine bright).
  • Start by making yourself comfortable in a position of your choice (I usually prefer to lie down completely flat on my mat, wearing comfortable loose clothing, headphones on to block out the noise and next to a lighted up candle).
  • Play the Song ‘Prelude’ and start focusing on your breath slowly, feeling the sensations in your body, toe to head.
  • Try to clear your mind by thinking of bright white light. Imagine that white bright light covering and entering your whole being, starting from you tippy toes, up to your knees, waist, middle, up towards your heart centre, arms, fingers, throat, face, third eye and ultimately above your head. Let this light bathe you and fill you with a sense of inner and outer peace, warmth and love. Be one with the present moment. Be still. Just exist. Breathe.
  • Then, let yourself be guided by the Muladhara Meditation by completely surrendering to the moment.
  • Lastly, feel your inner peace. Feel the changes in your energetic centre, vibrations, frequencies and feelings by carefully listening to the song ‘Purification’.
  • Once you’ve finished with your meditation, stay still for a couple of minutes with your eyes closed to integrate what has been done. Reflect. Feel. And most importantly, BE GRATEFUL for the divine help that you’ve been given throughout your sacred practice.

This kind of meditation can be very intense for some of us, especially if we have a lot of inner trauma, pain and feelings of anxiety that have been adding up during our past and current life.

Practice the First Chakra Meditation (Muladhara) for a couple of days in a row, following the exact same steps before you move to the next one.

Your heart will know and guide you through those days. Some might need two days of meditating on the same Chakra in order to cleanse and unblock it, some might need a week, a month…Listen to your inner voice. Let it guide you.

Once you feel your work is done on the first Chakra, move to the Second Chakra Meditation.

  • Repeating the same steps as before, but growing your practice, after the song ‘Prelude’ and ‘Muldahara’, you will add the song ‘Svadhishtana’ followed by ‘Purification’.
  • Next steps are the same.

Once again, practice the First Two Chakra Meditations in a row for a couple of days, listening to what your soul needs, listening to your inner voice.

As you progress in your spiritual healing journey, keep adding the next Charka Meditation after the current one that you’ve just successfully performed for a while until you reach the 7th Charka Meditation, the Crown Chakra – ‘Sahaswara’. Do the same for the 7th and last Chakra, let yourself be healed by the power of your inner light that has now finally reached your supreme self. Your supreme consciousness.

Once you’ve reached The Lotus of Energy and Pure Light, practice the entire Chakra Meditation (all 7 Chakras Meditations) in a row, ideally, every day if possible.

The practice of this daily Healing meditation is one of the most effective means of developing clear and accurate thinking in order to become the best version of yourself.

Try out this Gratitude Meditation

This is a guided meditation that I’ve found in a day where I was feeling extremely grateful for all the blessings and wonderful things that have happened in my life lately, and that keeps happening every day.

It is a long, but beautiful meditation in which you truly get to connect with yourself, your inner voice and with your soul.

I would say this is one of the most sacred Meditation Practices that I do quite often in my Journey.

If you decided to give any of these Meditations a go, let me know how it was, how did it change the way you think, speak, act and feel?

DM me on Instagram, Tweet or send me a quick email to share your Light with the world!

Hare Krishna 🙏

Check out -> Music for the Soul

Go with the flow

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