“You know the World is a Magical Place when Mother Earth grows her own jewellery.”

When starting manifestation practices and healing rituals as part of your Spiritual Awakening, the variety of energetic and healing tools that we are lucky enough to have access to is never-ending.

We talked about Yoga, Meditation, Healing Music, Reading, Spiritual Conversations, Gurus and Masters, and now we are going to talk about Healing Crystals, another topic very close to my soul which I wish to share with you all.

Crystal Healing is an ancient type of therapy which involves using gems and their energies by either placing them on your body or in a nearby place, to help draw out any negative entities or unwanted energies. Just like Essential Oils, there are numerous types of Crystals that we can have in our homes and their benefits are endless, all varying depending on the specific need or purpose that you may wish to use them for.

Crystals are powerful tools which have healing and restorative powers over the mind, body and soul and they existed since the beginnings of the humankind with their first historical references coming from The Ancient Sumerians who used crystals in magic formulas, followed by The Ancient Egyptians who used crystals in their jewellery (such as lapis lazuli, turquoise, carnelian, emerald and clear quartz).

(If interested in finding out more on the History of Crystals and Healing, check out this Blog.)

Now, I know that probably most of you are complete beginners in terms of using these powerful gems so I thought I will give you a quick list of the 10 Most Effective Healing Stones that you could get started with throughout your own Spiritual Development.

Amethyst – Peace. Healing. Intuition

This crystal is good in connecting to your spirituality, aids meditation and calms the mind, being the most compatible with zodiac signs such as Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius and Capricorn.

Rose Quartz – Forgiveness. Love. Self-Esteem

This crystal is known as the ‘Love Crystal’ as its frequently used to attract pure love, to protect relationships and heal your heart from disappointment and trauma, whilst promoting self-love and raising Self-Confidence.

Iron Pyrite – Prosperity. Confidence. Protection

It can be used to clear any negative energy or physical dangers whilst activating intellect and promoting Positive Thinking and Strong Willpower.

Tiger Eye – Courage. Clarity. Strength

This crystal is powerful in maintaining and growing wealth whilst enhancing one’s understanding and awareness and it aids in cultivating inner calm. It is also believed to bring Good Luck. It is especially powerful for zodiac signs such as Capricorn.

Hematite – Grounding. Anxiety Relief. Memory

This crystal is used for grounding and balancing, helping you in feeling centred in stressful situations, in clearing negativity and in counteracting confusion. It is especially powerful for zodiac signs such as Aries and Aquarius.

Raw Emerland – Hope. Renewal. Friendship

Another ‘Love’ gem, this crystal promotes focus, positivity and enhances feelings of loyalty and sensitivity, being especially powerful for zodiac signs such as Taurus, Gemini and Aries.

Citrine – Happiness. Abundance. Vision

It is considered to be the ‘Optimistic Gem’ due to its positive energy that it can give off and it also adds the benefit of not having to be cleansed or recharged. It symbolizes Creativity, Warmth and it acts as a Protective Shield. It is especially powerful for zodiac signs such as Gemini, Aries Libra and Leo.

Celestine – Spirituality. Prosperity. Dreaming

Excellent for grounding and balancing and it helps in interpreting dreams, providing clarity and peace to your body as it is associated with divinity. It is especially powerful for zodiac signs such as Gemini.

Quartz Crystal – Clarity. Healing. Cleansing

This is my personal favourite, a stone of pure and powerful energy source for body, mind and soul. It enhances awareness, it stimulates your brain and immune system, increases perception and the most important aspect, it supports other Healing Crystals. It is the most popular and versatile healing stone, as its powers are thought to be able to work on any condition whilst amplifying any energy or intention and protecting against negativity, pain and danger.

Desert Rose – Motivation. Energy. Harmony

A powerful aid in Meditation practices as it is said to be used as access to past and future lives, bringing mental clarity and enhanced awareness whilst encouraging love, harmony and peace in the mind. It is especially powerful for zodiac signs such as Taurus.

Now, I will give you one of the best sources where you can buy your own Healing Gems from – The Psychic Tree.

When I first started to research about the power of these crystals, I’ve decided to buy my own ‘starter’ pack based on my Zodiac Sign – Aquarius.

If your soul can’t decide yet on specific Healing Gems to work with, the ‘safest’ and easiest way to start making use of new restorative energies is to get your own Zodiac Sign Crystals Pack, as different crystals possess different properties and knowing which ones resonate the most with your Star Sign will bring you the maximum benefits for your body, mind and soul.

After choosing your Healing Crystals, there are 3 important steps that you must follow to ensure the best manifestation practice whilst making use of their energies and powers, and I’ve provided you with links to valuable resources which will guide through these steps.

Cleanse your Crystals

“The purpose of cleansing is to purify and honour the stone, recognizing the vast journey it has undergone to get to you now.”

  • Sunlight or Moonlight
  • Water (but read before, as some crystals can’t be cleaned with water!)
  • Smudging
  • Candlelight
  • Cleansing spray
  • With other crystals
  • Earth
  • Incense
  • Visualisation
  • Sound
  • Sea salt

Set your Intent

“Your intention creates your reality.”

Once cleansed you need to set your intent in the crystal. Connect with your gem(s) by holding them in your hands, take a few deep breaths until you start feeling relaxed, allowing the energy to flow through you. Once you feel grounded, allow this energy to enter the crystal from your hands whilst picturing what would you like the crystal to help you with. Once you’ve done that for a few minutes and you feel connected with the crystal you can express your feelings of gratitude and your crystal will be all set with your intent.

Most common intentions that people set when working with crystals are love, happiness, healing, spiritual growth, peace, endings and beginnings. However, once you sit down in a quiet place, focused on your breathing, no distractions, look inwards. Feel and listen to what your heart needs and let her take control in setting your manifestation intention. The heart knows the best, believe me.

Carrying your crystals with you allows you at all times to maintain a strong connection with the gems, but be very careful where you place them so you won’t lose them (either in pockets, underwear, clothing or in your purse or handbag).

Recharge your Crystals

“What if we recharge ourselves as much as we recharge our phone?”

  • With the help of the Universe
  • Moonlight
  • Natural Earth at your feet
  • Water
  • Fire
  • Air
  • With other Crystals

Just as cleansing and setting your intent on your crystals, recharging is a very important process that you must take, as it’s crucial to take care of your gems so that they will continue to help with your energy work and enhance many aspects of your physical and spiritual life. By doing these rituals accordingly, you will prevent the growth of negativity and harmful energies which may influence you and the people who are around your gems.

My Final Thoughts on Crystal Healing?

Healing Crystals vibrate at certain frequencies that naturally resonate with specific intentions, manifestations and energies. Choosing the right crystals that you work with, being constant in working with their vibrations and the more effort you put in your practice, the more positive and healing energies you will be attracting into your life and into your stones.

“YOU – much like a Crystal, YOU are one of a kind. Unique & Special. A piece of the Universe, Vibrating to YOUR OWN unique frequency. YOU have the power to heal & enlighten others. YOU are YOUR OWN Universe, capable of shining bright among a dark & infinite sky.

Sending you Love & Light,

Laura 🙏

Go with the flow

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