“Incredible things can be done simply if we are committed to making them happen.”

~ Sadghuru

Whether you are struggling with a controversial query, feeling confused about a taboo topic, having a burning question about life or you are just extremely curious to enhance your personal and spiritual development, look no further.

We are lucky enough to be living in the information age, where accessing the knowledge we seek has never been easier. The resources for us to get all our questions answered are endless and of such tremendous depth and wisdom that awaits to be shared with the world!

Now is truly your chance to elevate your vibration and start gaining useful insights through various podcasts, videos and talks. The beauty of it? The convenience of us in doing so! You can even listen to a podcast or play a video talk on YouTube in the background whilst you shower, workout or enjoy a walk in nature.

For all the spiritual seekers out there, I have a variety of resources for you to explore which will surely help you in accessing higher levels of consciousness, further spiritual growth, clarity and deep understanding of your most dazzling thoughts and questions. Have a look through them and follow the ones which your heart directs you towards the most.

Firstly (again), my all-time favourite, Osho. You’ve probably come to the realisation that I am utterly and irrevocably in love with his ways of spiritually educating the world, and I can promise you that you will start doing the same!

His talks can be easily accessed either on YouTube on OSHO International or on Osho.com on Osho Video Talks.

His talks can be listened to in multiple languages and they revolve around topics such as Meditation, Love and Relationships, Life and Death, Fear, Anger, Ego and much more.

Along with these, what I’ve found extremely uplifting and eye-opening were his podcasts on Spotify, specifically the playlist ‘Osho Talks‘ by Rob Deut, in which one can gain knowledge about the Mind, Body, Soul, Emotional Wellness, Relaxation and much more. It is your turn now to explore and dig deeper into these words of wisdom, nurture your soul and expand your awareness of all that exists within you and that surrounds you.

My second beloved and one of the most respected spiritual master of all times that I listen to is Sadghuru, the founder of Isha Foundation.

“Yogi, mystic and spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serve as a reminder that inner sciences are not esoteric philosophies from an outdated past, but a contemporary science vitally relevant to our times.”

~ Sadghuru

(To find out more about him check out his blog on Isha.sadghuru.org on Sadghuru and Who is the Real Sadghuru.)

His talks can be easily accessed as well on either his YouTube channel Sadghuru or on Isha.Sadghuru.org on Wisdom.

Similarly to Osho, Sadghuru’s talks revolve around topics such as Relationships, the connection between Mind, Body and Spirit, Universe, Emotional Intelligence, Society and much much more for you to discover.

His Spotify playlist ‘Sadghuru’s Podcasts’ is another valuable resource where one can attain wisdom and eye-opening knowledge in all aspects of life and beyond.

Of course, the list of spiritual inspiration and guidance doesn’t stop here, I just wanted to share with you my two all-time favourite gurus which have helped me heal and become the person that I am today.

Following these highly and purely dedicated beings will give you a new perspective on life and living, which will never fail to intrigue, challenge and surprise you.

They empowered me to explore my spiritual self and change my life.

What else you wonder?

They’ve shown me that truth means living your own experiences at their fullest instead of focusing on the destination, a conclusion or a matter of metaphysical situation. By listening and following their wisdom I’ve managed to attain an overwhelming sense of self-realization, which I strongly believe is the start to one’s true spiritual journey.

I invite you to embark in a learning and experiencing journey, in which you will get the chance to learn how to live every moment of your life in peace, love and harmony.

Sending you Love and Light,

Laura 🙏

Go with the flow

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