Listen to your heart’s inner music.

It always speaks the truth.

Along with my 3 main guided meditations that you’ve previously seen, recently, I’ve been immersing myself into a different kind of meditation. Meditation on music.

And what I am talking here about is not just a chilled background cafe/jazz music. No. I am talking about music that has the power to raise your positive vibrations, to give you a boost of energy, to calm and balance your mind, to heal. To heal your soul and to put your mind and body in touch with your spirit.

Below, I will give you a quick list of my favourite YouTube Music Videos and Spotify Playlists that I’ve started to use on a daily basis when I meditate or when I simply need to put my mind on PAUSE and allow my heart to speak to me.

Available YouTube Meditation and Healing Music Resources:

Available Spotify Healing Playlists:

Let me know what are the feelings that you’ve experienced if you’ve decided to embark on a meditation journey guided by these healing sounds, what sensations have appeared in your body, what emotions entered into your soul?

However, there is one thing that you should keep in mind when deciding on your healing music. Don’t overthink it. Explore. Go on different websites, blogs, YouTube, Spotify. Try as many playlists as possible and once again, let your heart speak to you. Give her the healing music that she needs.

You will see that in the end, your own heart has the most beautiful music already, but it takes time to learn how to hear it, and most importantly, to listen to it.

And once you can do that, you will be able to share it with the world and spread the purest form of happiness.

Sending you Love and Light,

Laura 🙏

Go with the flow

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