“Find ecstasy within yourself. The one who you are looking for is you.”

~ Osho

And oh, how confused was I when I first saw that quote. I bet you are too, am I right? Let me tell you my little secret which helped me completely understand the meaning of that special quote.

Reading books.

For me, reading plays a major part in my Spiritual development, as by doing it on a regular basis I was able to develop my thoughts, learn endless knowledge and lessons about life and most of all, it kept my mind active and ‘well-fed’ with what my soul actually needed to understand in order to heal and grow.

Recently, I’ve absolutely fallen in love with reading spiritual books as they all have one aim ar their core: to help one realize and achieve the divine aim and light and to become the best version of themselves. Reading a good book always has the power to lift up my mood and bring a smile on my face and in my heart.

The first spiritual teacher which I’ve let myself be guided by through his wisdom was the one and only, OSHO. Reading his words brought to bloom all the good seeds within me, it expanded my vision like a flower full of life, it enriched my thinking mind with creative and fresh ideas, all whilst teaching me valuable spiritual practices, which bring me joy and happiness every single day.

To put it simply? Osho’s books are the best medicine for one’s soul. In his talk and books, he puts the human mind under the microscope as never before. Mind as: psychology, emotion, mind over body, moralist, belief, religion, history, politics and mind as a social revolution.

“Osho is like a hard, sweet wind, circling the planet, blowing the beanies off of rabbis and popes, scattering the lies on the desks of the bureaucrats, stampeding the jackasses in the stables of the powerful, lifting the skirts of the pathologically prudish and tickling the spiritually dead back to life.”

~ author Tom Robbins

(Curious to find out more about Osho? Check out Who is Osho? and Osho on Biography)

His writings fire my imagination, stir my soul and open my heart and mind to the great adventure of life, and I could not be more grateful.

The main four books which I’ve read and totally recommend from Osho are:

  • The Tantra Experience: Evolution through Love
  • Tantric Transformation: When Love Meets Meditation
  • The Chakra Book: Energy and Healing Power of the Subtle Body
  • Meditation. The first and last freedom

For a full experience of reading and researching from a list of over 200 Osho books, please have a look at Osho Library and pick as many spiritual books as your soul guides you towards.

There are many more spiritual teachers, guides and spiritual gurus whose writings have been, are and will always be teaching us how to embrace mysticism and create a life based on graceful and grace-filled practices (Dalai Lama, Sadghuru, Deepak Chopra, Rhonda Byrne and the list could go on).

Check out this blog on The 12 most influential spiritual books of the past 50 years and let your curiosity explore the greatest mysteries of your outer and inner life.

(Also, have a look at this awesome blog post on Books on Everyday Spirituality which can help you commit to everyday spiritual practices and connect with your inner divine.)

Becoming curious about the most profound distinctiveness of our and other’s souls, the incredible beauty of nature and animal world, the endless complexity of our inner being and the deepest and most inexplicable truths about life…this is the turning point in one’s life.

The point in which a spiritual journey truly starts. The moment in which one starts waking up for the first time. And what a wonderful journey will this one be, especially with so many resources and guides that have been waiting patiently for you to explore for so long.

I could not be more grateful and feeling more blessed than I am right now for having the opportunity to share these valuable resources with you.

So what are you waiting for? Take this opportunity to refine your character, elevate your spirit, experiment with endless practices, expand your appreciation, enrich your relationships and become spiritually mature, step by step.

Be playful enough to open to whatever life has to give you.

By doing so, you will too slowly start to understand the quote from the beginning of my blog. Read and start cultivating a richer inner life and you will find ecstasy within yourself. You will find you.

Sending you Love and Light,

Laura 🙏

Check out -> Heart to Heart Talks

Go with the flow

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